We are pleased to announce the publication of “Terra Lundane: Rileggendo il Canzoniere di Giuseppe Tontodonati”, by Martina D’Ambrosio (Carsa editions, collection of “History and anthropology of the territory”). This volume is the result of research carried out thanks to a grant made available by the heirs of the poet Tontodonati and supervised by the University of Teramo on the occasion of the centenary of the birth of this Abruzzo author. This work offers an in-depth linguistic, thematic and historical analysis of the art of Tontodonati, through the reading and analysis of sonnets drawn from the two collections composing the Canzoniere d’Abruzzo: Storie Paesane and Terra Lundane. The research is part of the European Tramontana Network project and has been supported by the Regional Council of the Regione Abruzzo, the Pescarabruzzo Foundation, the City Council of San Valentino in Abruzzo Citeriore and by the Associazione LEM-Italia.