LEM-Italia Association has conducted several workshops with students of the Istituto Comprensivo di Montorio-Crognaleto within the framework of Tramontana project. The last of these labs was created in the context of the “ACQUA” module of the PON C.A.P.I.R.E. – CULTURE, ART, LANDSCAPE FOR A REAL IDENTITY with the project leader I. Pascal-Comi-Forti Teramo. The laboratory led to the creation of an interactive map of Montorio oral memory linked to water and in particular to the Vomano river.

Topics covered: narrative toponymy (interviews and narratives on the nature and history of places and the origin of place names); analysis and reading of the territory (from the ortho-papers for the orographic and hydrographic surveys to the toponymy walk); building an interactive map.

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